Thursday, August 11, 2011

The day I fell in love with my husband....again

Dear Blog,

I have been gone awhile, in my defence I was busy in school....things to do people, things to do.  So I have had many topics to blog about in the past 6 weeks, so now I must do some catch up.  I had to start out with the most husband.  My spouse has always been my number one....something I say so often but did I really mean it?  I remember five years ago when I first met Nathan.  I knew he was different but thought it was just attraction.  I knew early on he was someone special.  I could talk to him, confide in him, I told him things that I had never told anyone.  During the Christmas holiday I went to visit him in D.C.  Only my second time ever in the city.  He showed up with a rose in hand and that night showed me around the city.  Later that trip he took me to see a musical.  He had remembered that I said I loved musicals and he got tickets to one....
He showed me what it was to have fun again.  I remember everything with him.  The first time I saw him, our first conversation, our first kiss, our first time, and the moment I knew he was the one.  He was everything I ever dreamed my husband would be.  He gave me everything my previous relationship didn't, a best friend.  He made me laugh again.  He let me cry without being called stupid, he let me share my opinion with out getting angry even when he didn't agree, he shared his stuff, his life, and himself with me without me having to ask, he let me have friends without being jealous, he became a father to my son without even thinking twice.  He gave me back what I had lost before....myself.  And then on the steps of the Lincon Memorial he asked me to marry him.

So when did that all change?  When is the exact moment that we began taking eachother for granted?  The 'I love yous' became more automatic than heartfelt, the kisses were saved for goodbyes, and intimate moments were to check a block.  I left for school being sad to leave him and somwhere in between I began missing the little things.  The kisses and the I love yous...the real I love yous, the embraces, his smell, and waking up next to him.  I could actually hear it in his voice too.  When I graduated I was more than ready to see the love of my life!  We had two days all to ourselves.  When I got off the plane and saw him something changed.  I felt like we were five years ago and I just wanted to touch him, hold his hand, give him kisses, run my fingers through his hair. 

That night he took me to a resturant I have always wanted to go to in D.C.  We talked, ate, and drank just like we used to before.  The next day we went to see Will before we left D.C.  I held his hand and he held me and just let me cry.  In his moment where I should have been there for him, he was mystrength, and that reminded me why I married him.  That night he suprised me with a musical on Broadway....I have always wanted to see a musical on Broadway.  He was the strong, loving, caring, sensitive man that I had met years ago.  And when our date days came to an end and our boys rounded that corner.....his face just lit up.   

Five years later my vow is to not take my husband for granted, to show him and tell him I love him for everything that he is, because if I have learned one thing it's that life is not promised, and if either of us died tomorrow, he would know that he was truly my better half and I will always be grateful for him saving my life.  I love you Nathan you truly are my Saul Mate!  XOXOXOXOX

P.S.  I promise the next post won't be so sappy!!!

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