Thursday, June 9, 2011

Strawberry Fields Forever...

Dearest Blog,
   It has been some times now since I have written and I feel bad for that but being new at this blog thing I am still trying to find a balance of how much to write and how personal to get.  So that being said I will try to explain myself and my thoughts as much as possible, however if I offend anyone please feel to tell me these are just my thoughts but I do not mean to hurt anyone. 

So on a good note I have a strawberry!  This officially means that I have grown something!!  I am happy and I will share a photo and a short song to sum up my feelings about my new berry:

I have been in a small depression lately, I am not sure why or what has been going on.  I attribute this to having to no puropse right now.  School has been out  and am just awaiting for July 5th to arrive so I can head stateside for a month.  This may sound crazy but I feel like I work better with a deadline, under pressure if you will.  I feel like why get up and run today, I have all day to do it. ( this is said full knowing I won't.)  What is wrong with me?  People say enjoy your break...I just can't seem to do that. 

I will say I have been enjoying my Whiskey ladies.  Before all you people reading this outside of Germany, Whiskey is our company, not my depression beverage of choice.  I have been trying to get involved more in company activities and I will say they always seem to take my mind off of things.  I love these women and how they help without even knowing it.  They give of themselves and don't even realize they are going out of their way.  I have been blessed to know some of these amazing women here! (Don't get things twisted I really do miss my coffee girls from Rucker!  And my Hoho Nicole!)

In my bizzare depression I have been thinking a lot lately.  Reflecting on my life and what my future may hold, what I want my future to hold.  As my school days are quickly coming to an end I feel like am a high school student trying to figure out what's next.  I am starting the process of my OCS packet and I am very excited to get back into a career, not that school was not but I am so glad that I have almost achieved a goal that I never thought was possible for me. 

This brings me to my ever important serious reflection.  While running this morning with my Bella I never thought how much I do think while running.  While running Iisten to music, lately I have been thinking about Will.  It is strange how someone can have such an impact on your life in only a matter of a few years.  He has ment the world to Nathan, Devin, and myself.  He was the type of man that made people want to be a better person.  So my goal is to find something that I can do that will help people in the name of Will, a sort of pay it forwad if you will. (no pun intendedThis may take some time and much effort but that is alright, that is how he was.  No matter what the inconvinience he was always around, helping people.  I want him to be remembered for the impact he had, especially on me and my boys

Anywho, to leave on a happy note the Twilight Saga new trailor has been released, in case some peope have been living under a rock and could have missed this momentous occasion this is how I shall close! 

Now without further adieu I bring you the Breaking Dawn trailor....

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