Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Proud to be an American!

Dear blog,

 My family and I have had a very busy and action packed weekend.  Over this long Memorial Day weekend we made a last minute decision to get out of here and see something new.  We are in this amazing, beautiful place where we can exprience so many new things I find it such a waste to spend weekend after long weekend doing nothing. Soooo we decided to go to an amusement park (for Devin.)  He was so suprised, and even I must say we had quite the time!  After that off to Amsterdam!!  What an amazing city!  So much culture and so many things to see.  Me and Nathan are going to plan a trip that is adults only to see the 'other side' of Amsterdam...hahahaha!

I love four day weekends!!  Speaking four days this brings me to my very deep moment of reflection.  This past four day was for Memorial Day, this is a day to remember our soldiers past, present, and future.  We remember the men and women that have given to this country what so few Americans are willing to give.  Some gave a short service and some gave their lives but all should be honored for the dedication they gave, a dedication that only service members and their families truly understand.  The question at hand is how do we honor  these men and women?  Every single man and women in our country has a duty to live everyday as if it was the last day they would be on this earth, because a soldier never knows when it will be theirs.  I am proud to say that I am married to a soldier and I am also proud to be one.  So in order to honor these brave men and women think about what you will do to live your life....

I am going to live to be a better person than I was the day prior.  I am going to actually do instead of just talk about doing.  I am going to go outside of my comfort zone more.  I will live everyday with no regrets.  What will you do????

Very deep.....

Love always,

My soldier!!  <3

The day this song stops giving you chills is the day you should be booted from America!!

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