Monday, May 16, 2011

I thought you like to blog about your ideals...

Dearest Blog,

Well all this is my first post.  I thought that this may be a good way for me to keep my family ad friends updated on our crazy life over here in Germany.  I do have a bad feeling that this will just end up being free therapy to me.  But I have never passed up free so.... 

Well in order to begin my blogging festivities I thought I should explain my title.  I think that since I have been in the military I have led two lives, my military life and my civilian life.  It is difficult at times to balance both sides of me, but I will be a work in progress till the day I die.  As time marches on I think that I become better and more well rounded, but I will say it a hell of a ride on the lifelong journey to self discovery! On a lighter note I shall now explain the meaning behind Household 6.  Non military individuals and maybe some new military spouses don't know what the term Household 6 means.  In the military world the number 6 belongs to commander.  So when a Soldier Member (SM) refers to his Household 6 he is referring to his spouse, his home commander...that would be me! 

It has been a very busy past few weeks for me.  Last few weeks of school and make up finals.  In the first week of Nathan being gone I had three finals and a final project.  T-ball practice and games, studying for my next final, getting ready for my drill weekend.  At times I wanted to choke out my husband, sometimes my children, and on the rare occasion myself. my  few moments of reflection I have found that I deal best under pressure.  Why, I have no idea, but I have concluded I need therapy. Insert honest chuckle here, (you know the laugh that you give to make an uncomfortable situation more comfortable because an awkward truth has been spoken.) 

Well since I am going to re class (Get a new Army MOS(MOS-Military Job)) in July I do not have time to complete summer term before I leave, so I have a month and a half off.  I'm not really sure what to do with myself so I am gathering some potential hobbies.  This is.....

Week 1
This week is my first week with nothing to do so I have a list of things I may or may not be any good at....

Gardening- I have started my garden, fertilized, pruned, and watered. Maybe something will grow.
Antiquing- This is something I have always wanted to do.  In my plan I will find old items and paint them.  Simple enough.  This will take some imagination and effort, maybe I can make this work.  
Cake -Making this is a hobby I must enter with caution, one can gain much weight with such a hobby.  This will be closely followed by hobby 4.
Mass Exercises- This would take time and hopefully turn me into a lean machine.  I think that this may however be too much work and I think this is a hobby I will not be into.
Reading- This is always a good fall back plan.  I cannot possibly be bad at it...but how many hours a day can one really read?
So this being said I will perhaps find something new to take place of school.  please pray that I am not bad at all these things...I cannot see myself reading for 8 hours a day!!

So to the one person that may read this I will get back to you once I try some new hobbies...

Signing off for today,

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Now about 360 more just like this one and voila! Insta-diary! (I almost typed diarrhea with T9 word, wow)
