Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You Plus Me Equals Us

Dearest Blog,
     Last night, with Nathan's arrival from field time closin in, I have been thinking about all the things that I have missed about him.  I have missed the silly banter between us in the kitchen, the laughing, and the goodnight kisses.  I miss having someone else tuck the babies into bed and I hate the fact that Tanner has now associated a cell phone ring with daddy.  Someone to keep the other side of the bed warm and a cuddle partner during movies.  Such is the life of a House Hold 6 and that is the life I have chosen....this by no means does this mean that I have to be happy about it.  

This being said when you have a spouse that is gone for long amounts of time every so often you do as the militay refers to as 'adapt and overcome.'  These last weeks have been filled with me gettting on with life without my husband.  As bad as this sounds all you military spouses know exactly what I am talking about.  Your husband leaves you over eat for a few days then you pick up and learn to live life without them.  This is the cycle...and with deployment realitivly around the corner this was good training.  

But what about all the things that will change when he comes home?  Can someone please tell me why it is easier to keep the house clean when he is gone?  As I was laying in bed lat night I was thinking about the trail I will have to attend to upon the arrival of my husband.  The gear will land in the hallway, the blouse on the back of the dining room chair, the boots and socks in the living room.  He will then need a shower.  Pants on the bedroom floor and underwear on the bathroom floor, and lastly towel hung on the door.  I will clean up after him because he just got home, with promises of,  "I'll clean it in the morning,"  and  "I'll get it later" flying by my ears i the breeze.  Ahhhhhhh, it has taken me weeks to get the house to this point and in 10 flat it is back to where it was. 

The bottom line you ask??  I am an Army wife, I love my babies and my husband.  I WILL make one of his favorite meals tonight for dinner, I WILL make sure he has fresh sheets on his bed,  and I WILL throw on a little extra lipgloss on before picking him up.  I missed my husband...and his dirty socks on my livingroom floor!!!

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