Sunday, August 14, 2011

Can someone even pretend to care?

Dear Blog,
     As most of you know I was in school the past month in California.  I have really missed being a 'real soldier,' and through all the waiting, and the BS I enjoyed school.  I missed the feeling of putting on the uniform everyday, knowing that what I did mattered.  I missed the terminology, the jokes, the Youtube videos that take up your time when your waiting on someone higher to make up there mind on whats going on. I miss the small stints of insanity that plauge your brain because you can't possibly understand why they make everything so damn complicated.  But most of all I miss the friendships that are made in such a short amount of time, and having other females understand exactly what you are going through when it comes to your kids, husband, and the way society looks at females in the military, and I suppose in any dominant role.

On another note here are somethings that I have learned in school that may only be funny to other service members or my fellow classmates....but I must add it in anyways.....

You know your in Army CA school when:

-You know everything about a person, social security number, children's names and ages, how much money they make and their life story but you have no idea what their first name is.

-On a break somehow Youtube always gets involved...because Honey Badger don't give a shit!!

-You never compliment WILL turn into an EO complaint!

-Whoever the giant is at the front of formation needs to take half steps.

-When taking an Army test, there is no actual need to understand the material, all you need to know is the answer itself.

-When attempting to remember a question with many steps a small dance with correlated hand movements works everytime!

-When you result to dance moves from the early 90's to fill your time.

-When you know who shit under the bridge....

-When you go to the movies 3 days a week because you have nothing else to do.

-When you cannot possibly stand to hear 'drink water' one more time.

-When you know exactly how many days and a wake up till your outta FHL!

Well now that that buisness is complete, down to the deep mess....

  Can someone please tell me why it is that females in the military are treated like our job is less important then a mans?  I am assuming that I am speaking for more than just myself since I have talked to other female soldiers that have the same issues when it comes to our social norms.  In service as a female I have the distinct pleasure of proving that I am not a sh*t bag nor do I sleep around.  Outside of my job I get treated like the Army is just some silly hobby that I have that hopefully wil soon pass.  Need I remind some that I have served on active duty and got out not to 'fufill' wifely duties, but because it was the best choice for my family at the time.  The intention when making my unwanted early departure from active duty was to go back to school and upon completion return as an officer to active duty.

Now that I have almost completed that goal, and buted my hump to acheive my BA in three years, I am being second guessed about my life choices.  I went to reclass because well to be sweet about it I hated the MOS I had prior.  So Civil Affairs sounded cheesy video with soldiers running though fire.  (Sounds stupid but that is what my prior job's recruitment video entailed, well let me tell you five years.....never once ran through fire.) Anyways, not the point. Finally, after about 2 and a half years of what I call my temporary displacement from the Army situation, I get to return to active duty, even if just for  a month.  My moment to have right.....WRONG.  I graduate school and my daddy does drive down to see me, totally made my day.  But you know how it is when you graduate a Army school your fired up and you want to tell people how great your new job is and whats in store for you....not so much.  I got the superficial, 'How was school,' you know like you ask someone how they are doing.  You don't really care about the answer but it's polite to ask.  Out of everyone that I have seen since graduating one sort of asked me what it is I actually do, ONE!

Was this not my time?  Was this the whole reason we were in the states to begin with?  Nathan got asked about work and flying like usual.  Rockets and shooting were discussed, big shocker.  But not one person asked me what my new job was and how I liked it.  Oh I did get many, 'you must have missed your family.' Well yeah, we all do when we are away.  It leaves me wondering, is that all I am anymore.  A wife and a mother?  My passion, my job, and my future didn't matter to anyone.  I was so excited to tell people of my future plans and get some ideas on what the best course of action is for my future and received nothing.  I feel like I bust my butt in life and all I am seen is as the housewife, not that their is anything wrong with that but why do I work so hard for everything if I am seen as so one dimentional? 

Maybe some just didn't understand that I was dying inside and it totally breaks my heart that no one is proud of me too.  I put on the same uniform and am willing to do the same things as my husband but all I'm good  to talk about with is children and my spouse.  I AM more than that.  Why is it that after I got out of the military no one ever asked how I was doing, or what I wanted?  It's just assumed, shes the women, she'll get out so he can go fufill his dreams....what about mine?  The question in my mind is anyone proud of what I do too?  I have written this because my feelings have been hurt, they were hurt in 2007 when I got out and I have held it in till now.  I'm not mad, but hurt....but I WILL continue working to MY goal, even if no one else understands why I do what I do.  But I want people to think, women in the military matter too, maybe next time you should stop and take a minute female soldiers,  miss your husbands, and our children, we give up holidays and special events, we train and deploy just like our male counterparts.  I by no means am saying that women are more important or vital than men....but certainly no less.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The day I fell in love with my husband....again

Dear Blog,

I have been gone awhile, in my defence I was busy in school....things to do people, things to do.  So I have had many topics to blog about in the past 6 weeks, so now I must do some catch up.  I had to start out with the most husband.  My spouse has always been my number one....something I say so often but did I really mean it?  I remember five years ago when I first met Nathan.  I knew he was different but thought it was just attraction.  I knew early on he was someone special.  I could talk to him, confide in him, I told him things that I had never told anyone.  During the Christmas holiday I went to visit him in D.C.  Only my second time ever in the city.  He showed up with a rose in hand and that night showed me around the city.  Later that trip he took me to see a musical.  He had remembered that I said I loved musicals and he got tickets to one....
He showed me what it was to have fun again.  I remember everything with him.  The first time I saw him, our first conversation, our first kiss, our first time, and the moment I knew he was the one.  He was everything I ever dreamed my husband would be.  He gave me everything my previous relationship didn't, a best friend.  He made me laugh again.  He let me cry without being called stupid, he let me share my opinion with out getting angry even when he didn't agree, he shared his stuff, his life, and himself with me without me having to ask, he let me have friends without being jealous, he became a father to my son without even thinking twice.  He gave me back what I had lost before....myself.  And then on the steps of the Lincon Memorial he asked me to marry him.

So when did that all change?  When is the exact moment that we began taking eachother for granted?  The 'I love yous' became more automatic than heartfelt, the kisses were saved for goodbyes, and intimate moments were to check a block.  I left for school being sad to leave him and somwhere in between I began missing the little things.  The kisses and the I love yous...the real I love yous, the embraces, his smell, and waking up next to him.  I could actually hear it in his voice too.  When I graduated I was more than ready to see the love of my life!  We had two days all to ourselves.  When I got off the plane and saw him something changed.  I felt like we were five years ago and I just wanted to touch him, hold his hand, give him kisses, run my fingers through his hair. 

That night he took me to a resturant I have always wanted to go to in D.C.  We talked, ate, and drank just like we used to before.  The next day we went to see Will before we left D.C.  I held his hand and he held me and just let me cry.  In his moment where I should have been there for him, he was mystrength, and that reminded me why I married him.  That night he suprised me with a musical on Broadway....I have always wanted to see a musical on Broadway.  He was the strong, loving, caring, sensitive man that I had met years ago.  And when our date days came to an end and our boys rounded that corner.....his face just lit up.   

Five years later my vow is to not take my husband for granted, to show him and tell him I love him for everything that he is, because if I have learned one thing it's that life is not promised, and if either of us died tomorrow, he would know that he was truly my better half and I will always be grateful for him saving my life.  I love you Nathan you truly are my Saul Mate!  XOXOXOXOX

P.S.  I promise the next post won't be so sappy!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

There is a reason for the expression "the truth hurts".....

Dearest Blog,
I must say in life you cross issues and drama, and normally I try and keep my mouth shut at risk I don't know what I'm talking about and I may hurt more than help.  However, a friend of mine has been put in hot water by some of the soldiers in her husband's company, our company I should say, for a blog she wrote on females in the military and I feel compelled to be a voice.
As a female soldier I have come acoss some issues with spouses and do not get me wrong its not fun.  However,  never fully understood the other side of the world, the militray spouse world.  I never understood why wives had no jobs and seemingly did nothing, but complained about everything.  This perspective was all changed when I had to get out of the Army so my husband could follow his dreams of going to flight school and becoming an aviator. His dreams were met and mine got put on hold.  Thats what the life of a military spouse is all about. You fall in love with someone that happens to be a soldier and you give up your job and who you are to follow this soldier around the world, and that is alright, that is the choice we make to be with the one we love.  However, why are we treated like second class citizens?  Why are we looked as the outsiders?  We hold the house together when they up and leave, we keep all the appointments and when needed become the mother and the father.  We have given up our identities to be less than the number our soldiers are, and we do this without pay.  We cannot get jobs becuase no jobs are avaliable.  Brilliant minds, women with masters degrees working at the PX and the bolwling alley we do this because it is OUR duty. 

I want to be clear this is not a complaint, I along with all military spouses chose this life and would again to support our country and be with the one that I love, but this does not mean we have to lose our voice or ourselves. 

On the other side women in the military have more than a difficult job they are treated causiously by the men when they first enter a new company, they are hated by the wives becuase they work very closely with our hubands.  These women need to prove themselves as one of the guys and one of the girls, this task is near impossible.  So whose 'fault' is the divide?  Should the female soldiers or the wives try harder?  I think that the answer is both.  We all have things in life that leave a bad taste in our moth but that does not make it right to alienate others because if it.  And these  are the points that I think my friend was attempting to make.  She was looking at the facts from her point of veiw.  I stand by my friend and what she said stated nothing but the facts, the truth.  The bottom line is if you don't like the truth don't blame others, maybe you should look in the mirror and ask yourself WHY don't you like the truth? 

So moment of reflection...we both as spouses and female soldiers have a responsibility to make all feel comfortable and to all work together.  As women we are stronger together then sperated and we are all fighting for the same cause, equality and friendship.  Spouses, we need to understand female soldiers are fighting for our freedom like our husbands and as women we should all try to be better an extend a hand.  Female soldiers we need to understand that we work day in and day out with these husbands,  there will be moments when our lives are in eachothers hands and we will share something with these men that their wives will never be able to...respect that and sympathize with that fact.  If we all try and understand eachother this world, our military world will work much better.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Strawberry Fields Forever...

Dearest Blog,
   It has been some times now since I have written and I feel bad for that but being new at this blog thing I am still trying to find a balance of how much to write and how personal to get.  So that being said I will try to explain myself and my thoughts as much as possible, however if I offend anyone please feel to tell me these are just my thoughts but I do not mean to hurt anyone. 

So on a good note I have a strawberry!  This officially means that I have grown something!!  I am happy and I will share a photo and a short song to sum up my feelings about my new berry:

I have been in a small depression lately, I am not sure why or what has been going on.  I attribute this to having to no puropse right now.  School has been out  and am just awaiting for July 5th to arrive so I can head stateside for a month.  This may sound crazy but I feel like I work better with a deadline, under pressure if you will.  I feel like why get up and run today, I have all day to do it. ( this is said full knowing I won't.)  What is wrong with me?  People say enjoy your break...I just can't seem to do that. 

I will say I have been enjoying my Whiskey ladies.  Before all you people reading this outside of Germany, Whiskey is our company, not my depression beverage of choice.  I have been trying to get involved more in company activities and I will say they always seem to take my mind off of things.  I love these women and how they help without even knowing it.  They give of themselves and don't even realize they are going out of their way.  I have been blessed to know some of these amazing women here! (Don't get things twisted I really do miss my coffee girls from Rucker!  And my Hoho Nicole!)

In my bizzare depression I have been thinking a lot lately.  Reflecting on my life and what my future may hold, what I want my future to hold.  As my school days are quickly coming to an end I feel like am a high school student trying to figure out what's next.  I am starting the process of my OCS packet and I am very excited to get back into a career, not that school was not but I am so glad that I have almost achieved a goal that I never thought was possible for me. 

This brings me to my ever important serious reflection.  While running this morning with my Bella I never thought how much I do think while running.  While running Iisten to music, lately I have been thinking about Will.  It is strange how someone can have such an impact on your life in only a matter of a few years.  He has ment the world to Nathan, Devin, and myself.  He was the type of man that made people want to be a better person.  So my goal is to find something that I can do that will help people in the name of Will, a sort of pay it forwad if you will. (no pun intendedThis may take some time and much effort but that is alright, that is how he was.  No matter what the inconvinience he was always around, helping people.  I want him to be remembered for the impact he had, especially on me and my boys

Anywho, to leave on a happy note the Twilight Saga new trailor has been released, in case some peope have been living under a rock and could have missed this momentous occasion this is how I shall close! 

Now without further adieu I bring you the Breaking Dawn trailor....

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Proud to be an American!

Dear blog,

 My family and I have had a very busy and action packed weekend.  Over this long Memorial Day weekend we made a last minute decision to get out of here and see something new.  We are in this amazing, beautiful place where we can exprience so many new things I find it such a waste to spend weekend after long weekend doing nothing. Soooo we decided to go to an amusement park (for Devin.)  He was so suprised, and even I must say we had quite the time!  After that off to Amsterdam!!  What an amazing city!  So much culture and so many things to see.  Me and Nathan are going to plan a trip that is adults only to see the 'other side' of Amsterdam...hahahaha!

I love four day weekends!!  Speaking four days this brings me to my very deep moment of reflection.  This past four day was for Memorial Day, this is a day to remember our soldiers past, present, and future.  We remember the men and women that have given to this country what so few Americans are willing to give.  Some gave a short service and some gave their lives but all should be honored for the dedication they gave, a dedication that only service members and their families truly understand.  The question at hand is how do we honor  these men and women?  Every single man and women in our country has a duty to live everyday as if it was the last day they would be on this earth, because a soldier never knows when it will be theirs.  I am proud to say that I am married to a soldier and I am also proud to be one.  So in order to honor these brave men and women think about what you will do to live your life....

I am going to live to be a better person than I was the day prior.  I am going to actually do instead of just talk about doing.  I am going to go outside of my comfort zone more.  I will live everyday with no regrets.  What will you do????

Very deep.....

Love always,

My soldier!!  <3

The day this song stops giving you chills is the day you should be booted from America!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Same scheisse new day...

Dearest Blog,
 Furniture saga part 4: Well our furniture was delivered on Monday!  Yay!  So excited to have it here and I love it!  So Mrs. Tippy, along with Mr. Mover Man, moved in the couch and the bed.  Then off to T- ball practice.  Upon return Nathan states 'Where is the couch?' 
Melissa: Hellllllooooo right there. 
Nathan: 'Ok so how do we lay down and watch a movie?'   
Melissa: "We, well, awwww shit." 
They brought us two of the same piece.  So now I have a small collection of couch in my living room...

 If you will notice I have set up half a new couch and the couch that needs returning in the back with the old couches just waiting the the wing.  I will update as soon as I figure out if I get the rest of my couches!!!  Boo, I am angry!

Well on a good note I had a productive day!  Got my issues with VA worked out (sort of) but now I just sit and wait for the money they owe me....again!!

I did get my little one signed up for Kindergarten.  Ahhhhh kindergarten already?!  I can hardly believe it!  He's getting so big!! My little man.  While chatting it up with the very nice ladies in the school office I was asked if I would like to become a substitute teacher.  I love the children, soooo I shall fill out the 5,000 pages of paperwork it requires and see what happens.  Me teaching children...this could be interesting....

I am thinking about starting to makes cakes.  I shall order some cake stuff and begin to tinker with different flavors of cakes.  So if my friends here get lots of cake in multiple flavors at your door step please do not be alarmed it is just me leaving you little bits of sweetness.  So I hope to be a cake baker, for your upcoming needs holla...

We are on the hunt for a new car for Nathan...he is looking at Lambos and brand new BMWs, I'm looking at beaters, I told him if he wants a nicer car he was going to have to get a job delivering pizzas.

I also just found out my mom has been reading this so 'Hi Mom!!'

We are trying to decide where to go for the June four day...any got ideas?  I need someplace to get some sun and a little umbrella drink....Italy or Spain maybe????  I'm trying to get my blurple on!  ( for those who do not know what the shade blurple is it is so black it then takes on the aparence of purple.)

I was thinking how funny kids are.  They say the funniest things at random.  Last week Devin was getting off the couch and he puts his hands on his lower back and says to me, "huh mommy my back hurts.....I'm getting old mommy, I'm getting old."  WHAT?!  I couldn't help but laugh because the day prior when he was getting into trouble for not picking up his room he says, " Mommy I'm just a little kid you have to remind me of this."  I just can't win!  Tanner's new word is Heiss, this means hot in German.  Everything is heiss, I really need to learn the German word for cold to possibly counteract this hot epidemic. 

Final words....American Idol  Finale 1 is on tonight in Germany and so is the Glee Finale.  I know we are a day behind Ameria,so if any of you post the winner of AI tonight on Facebook I will kill you....this is not a joke but a threat take notice people!!

Ahhhh children...

Monday, May 23, 2011

What in the world?

Dearest Blog,

Well here we are beginning a new week after the almost Apocalypse.  It's nice to be alive and kickin' another day!  Although I believe that no one will ever know when our good Lord will return  to earth you can't help but wonder....maybe the crazies were right.  I found myself waking up on Saturday morning looking out my bedroom window half expecting to see flaming meteors falling from the sky or the earth beginning to crack. 

Thinking about life and death and thinking the world may end has brought me to my few moments of reflection.  What have I really done to make a mark on the world?  My head is full of ideas that stay in my head.  Why don't I act on them?  The more important question is what are you going to do to make this world a better place?  I feel like we all have a duty to leave a mark on this world.

  “I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature of nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lay defeat and death“. -Nelson Mandela

Anywho...I took Bella  on her first run today...conclusion is my dog is a fatty.  She made it about a half mile and just stood there with her tongue hanging out of her mouth like why are we doing this??  We did however, make it two miles.  This is the aftermath of Bella's first run...

Update on my's on it's way!!  They found our couch and bed at another AAFES and it should be here this week!  I'm not holding my breath but a girl can dream!! Cross your fingers kids momma needs her comfy couch!!

Ok I AM going to look and see if I can scout out some antiques for me to begin renovation!  I hope I find some (old) new items!!  I am attempting to get a bike together so I can go ride with Mrs. Tippy!  I hope my legs can cycle me at least a short's time to get into summer shape...whatever shape that may be.....

I have strawberries!  Well, almost...I have buds that with a little lovins will hopefully turn into a strawberry. 

Devin has T-ball practice tonight he is actually quite good!  If he can focus maybe he will be a good ball season is around the corner however, so I  think I will wait and see how that goes!

Well that is all for now!! Till next time!


Just a funy pick me up because we all need those!!   I LOVE these!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lessons Learned

Dearest Blog,
   This week has been a good week 'Pregnant with......emotion.' if you will( I hope you all picked up on the movie quote, if not please refer  yourself to Knocked Up.) 

I have learned many things this week about myself and the individuals I choose to surround myself with.  Let me tell you they are good people!  I have learned that I have people in my life that drop everything to help you out, even if it is an inconvenience to them.  (After all is this not the type of people you want in your life?) 

I have learned that I still am deeply and now more than ever still in love with Red Vines!  (Thank you Nathaniel for finding and bringing them home!!)

I have learned not to be too sensitive, sometimes people need to vent and that is OK, don't get your feelings hurt we all say things that we don't mean and our intention is not to hurt people and we don't actually mean that way.  I practice this with my spouse frequently.  Boo :(

Honesty is always the best policy....unless the truth involves a pregnant women, food or clothing, then the response is ALWAYS 'your so tiny, your like all baby!'

I have learned maybe gardening is not my 'thing' as I think I have already killed two flowers, but I will continue to water them as if they may miraculously re-gain life.  I am certain however, that by months end I will find something I am good at.

I have learned that the Army still is a mess and no one seems to know what in the world is happening.  They still do things that make no sense, and no matter how 'Family oriented' the Army commercials say they are, they in all actuality are not.  Army Strong!!!

I have learned the best medicine to a crappy day is kisses from your babies!

I have learned that AAFES sucks as they have 'acidentally' cancelled the order for our couch and our bed that we have been waiting for for over two months.  They now, amazingly are both no longer available for order.

I have learned (kind of) not to take my anger out on my spouse, he is not actually the reason why I am angry.  But then who do I take it out on????  Lesson still in progress....

That is all for today world.....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You Plus Me Equals Us

Dearest Blog,
     Last night, with Nathan's arrival from field time closin in, I have been thinking about all the things that I have missed about him.  I have missed the silly banter between us in the kitchen, the laughing, and the goodnight kisses.  I miss having someone else tuck the babies into bed and I hate the fact that Tanner has now associated a cell phone ring with daddy.  Someone to keep the other side of the bed warm and a cuddle partner during movies.  Such is the life of a House Hold 6 and that is the life I have chosen....this by no means does this mean that I have to be happy about it.  

This being said when you have a spouse that is gone for long amounts of time every so often you do as the militay refers to as 'adapt and overcome.'  These last weeks have been filled with me gettting on with life without my husband.  As bad as this sounds all you military spouses know exactly what I am talking about.  Your husband leaves you over eat for a few days then you pick up and learn to live life without them.  This is the cycle...and with deployment realitivly around the corner this was good training.  

But what about all the things that will change when he comes home?  Can someone please tell me why it is easier to keep the house clean when he is gone?  As I was laying in bed lat night I was thinking about the trail I will have to attend to upon the arrival of my husband.  The gear will land in the hallway, the blouse on the back of the dining room chair, the boots and socks in the living room.  He will then need a shower.  Pants on the bedroom floor and underwear on the bathroom floor, and lastly towel hung on the door.  I will clean up after him because he just got home, with promises of,  "I'll clean it in the morning,"  and  "I'll get it later" flying by my ears i the breeze.  Ahhhhhhh, it has taken me weeks to get the house to this point and in 10 flat it is back to where it was. 

The bottom line you ask??  I am an Army wife, I love my babies and my husband.  I WILL make one of his favorite meals tonight for dinner, I WILL make sure he has fresh sheets on his bed,  and I WILL throw on a little extra lipgloss on before picking him up.  I missed my husband...and his dirty socks on my livingroom floor!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

I thought you like to blog about your ideals...

Dearest Blog,

Well all this is my first post.  I thought that this may be a good way for me to keep my family ad friends updated on our crazy life over here in Germany.  I do have a bad feeling that this will just end up being free therapy to me.  But I have never passed up free so.... 

Well in order to begin my blogging festivities I thought I should explain my title.  I think that since I have been in the military I have led two lives, my military life and my civilian life.  It is difficult at times to balance both sides of me, but I will be a work in progress till the day I die.  As time marches on I think that I become better and more well rounded, but I will say it a hell of a ride on the lifelong journey to self discovery! On a lighter note I shall now explain the meaning behind Household 6.  Non military individuals and maybe some new military spouses don't know what the term Household 6 means.  In the military world the number 6 belongs to commander.  So when a Soldier Member (SM) refers to his Household 6 he is referring to his spouse, his home commander...that would be me! 

It has been a very busy past few weeks for me.  Last few weeks of school and make up finals.  In the first week of Nathan being gone I had three finals and a final project.  T-ball practice and games, studying for my next final, getting ready for my drill weekend.  At times I wanted to choke out my husband, sometimes my children, and on the rare occasion myself. my  few moments of reflection I have found that I deal best under pressure.  Why, I have no idea, but I have concluded I need therapy. Insert honest chuckle here, (you know the laugh that you give to make an uncomfortable situation more comfortable because an awkward truth has been spoken.) 

Well since I am going to re class (Get a new Army MOS(MOS-Military Job)) in July I do not have time to complete summer term before I leave, so I have a month and a half off.  I'm not really sure what to do with myself so I am gathering some potential hobbies.  This is.....

Week 1
This week is my first week with nothing to do so I have a list of things I may or may not be any good at....

Gardening- I have started my garden, fertilized, pruned, and watered. Maybe something will grow.
Antiquing- This is something I have always wanted to do.  In my plan I will find old items and paint them.  Simple enough.  This will take some imagination and effort, maybe I can make this work.  
Cake -Making this is a hobby I must enter with caution, one can gain much weight with such a hobby.  This will be closely followed by hobby 4.
Mass Exercises- This would take time and hopefully turn me into a lean machine.  I think that this may however be too much work and I think this is a hobby I will not be into.
Reading- This is always a good fall back plan.  I cannot possibly be bad at it...but how many hours a day can one really read?
So this being said I will perhaps find something new to take place of school.  please pray that I am not bad at all these things...I cannot see myself reading for 8 hours a day!!

So to the one person that may read this I will get back to you once I try some new hobbies...

Signing off for today,